Ohhh baby, baby, B-baby, baby

hi ya’ll! If ya’ll are still there…:) it has been quite a while since i’ve posted but i’m still around. i know i owe another post about knit nation 2011, but at this point it just seems…too late. but here goes anyway:) i had a blast, and one of the best things was charity bingo. it was really fun. the mc was hilarious, i believe he was the son (16 years old i think…) of a volunteer who was working the event. and the bingo was a little bit different than what i’ve played before. just in that the cards/books  were completely different. the 4th block down is my “winning block” hehe:) i was super surprised and really excited to win:)

bingo in the uk

i dragged my husband along for this event, and we each bought 3 books to play during the evening. some of the highlights were the hilarious people that were calling out bingo, only to find that they didn’t have bingo (this happened 3 times in a row, all from the same table), anne hanson, cookie a.,  and alice yu were there. i know there were more “knitting celebrities” however, i can’t remember all of them at this point.

the group of people we sat with were extremely nice, and funny as well. everyone was showing off their loot from the marketplace. almost at the very end of the evening, i won an awesome prize! an entry into this year’s socktopus sock club, hosted by alice yu. i’m very excited about this:)

since then, i’ve purchased alice yu’s socktopus book, and joined in on a kal for the entire book:) i completed one pair of socks already (kwalla project page) and gave them away as a gift. i’m working on the next pair, spring shoots. if you are interested in this knit-along, head over to ravelry, and join the socktopus kal group.

spring shoots by alice yu, wollmeise 80/20 in pitahaya colorway

on to what has been kind of keeping me busy…

yep, i’m having a kid. a boy to be exact. he was originally due at the end of march, but now it looks like he is due mid-march. i’m honestly not putting much stock in the due date, because i’m sure he will arrive when he feels like it:) just let me finish this last class, ok little alien t-rex ? 🙂

i wasn’t able to use the computer for more than 5-10 minutes during the first part of my pregnancy because it made me nauseous. i thought that was really weird. and inconvenient. i also was not able to knit for more than 20 minutes or so, for the same reason. Very inconvenient. However, I am now able to do both with no side effects, so yay! 🙂 and i’m thankful as well because i recently completed 2 more classes, in an effort to get as much done before this new life adventure completely begins:) let me tell you, cost accounting is…fun (what??) and was stressful to learn/comprehend in 8 weeks. business law is interesting. now i’m taking 1 more class, federal income tax I, and that has really been interesting so far! i feel like such a geek! but i’m not bored with it, and it is keeping my interest:) along with knitting, which i’ve been doing a lot of lately and the whole reason i even have this blog.

when i wasn’t really knitting, i didn’t feel like i had much to write about here, well…much that was pertinent to knitting and not really anything that anyone else hasn’t already written about (preggo issues, etc.) so really, i saved you all from being bored stiff:) ok, well…i will get more knitting pics posted soon, and re-evaluate for 2012 as far as knitting goals go.

oh yeah, i had some goals last year, 11 garments in 2011 if i recall (and i do…the guilt is…well, not there). i did complete 2 sweaters (1 for me, and 1 for a friend’s baby, not totally sure that one should count), and then 1 tank top for me, that might fit me now that i’m 7 1/2 months along with a baby…yeah, it was ginormous…and i still haven’t even taken a picture of it. i’m in denial. so 3 out of 11, and one of those is to be ripped…the other definitely doesn’t fit at the moment…this year, i’m going to be a bit more realistic…:) and of course, my goals are more along the lines of raising a healthy, happy child:) who will be covered in hand-knit items (i have a few already), and hopefully i’ll be able to resist knitting things that will embarrass the crap out of him:)

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6 Responses to Ohhh baby, baby, B-baby, baby

  1. Great to see you back! You look so cute with your baby bump.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Congratulations! Sounds like you’ve got some great goals for this year 🙂

    I’ve been lusting after that Socktopus book, so I’m looking forward to seeing all your knits from it. The KAL sounds like fun!

  3. Miss M says:

    I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating, CONGRATULATIONS on the pregnancy. I hope everything goes smoothly from here.

    Looking forward to seeing more of those socks!

  4. gracey says:

    I got the Soctopus book for Christmas….and both of my bloggy Military wives from Germany having babies! Yeah! Congratulations!

  5. iMadeItSo says:

    gotta love a blog with “alien t-rex” as a tag 😛
    lovely baby-belly, and knitting! glad the first-tri ickies are gone.

  6. Looking Good Mama! Can’t wait till March rolls around!

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